Sunday, November 30, 2008
Travesia Trinacional Montecristo - What the hell was I thinking?
Monday, November 24, 2008
El Salvador - sticks and stones may break my bones, but bags of urine...
Once in San Salvador, I caught up with my CS host and we made our way to the stadium to catch another World Cup Qualifier. Though tickets were only six bucks for the cheap seats, we had to buy El Salvador jerseys for another five to avoid getting pummeled by insults and, considerably worse, bags of urine. It's also a 'rule' that bringing a woman to this rambunctious section, also know as general or Vietnam is a no-no and the price of saving a few bucks is more urine, water and endless hurling of insults at both the cheapskate and his date or wife or even daughter. We stayed (relatively) dry, but ES lost a nail biter to Costa Rica.
The rest of my time was spent at the beach watching other people surf in El Tunco, hanging out with some really cool folks and real life revolutionaries in one of El Salvador's most famous (and beautiful) revolutionary towns of Suchitoto and relaxing for a couple days at an off-the-beaten-path beach of Playa San Diego and hostel called El Roble. Like Colombia, the people here in ES were super friendly and eager to share the fact that their country offers so much more than gangs, war and violence. This afterthought of a visit turned out to be a wonderful surprise. Sometimes its best not to plan.
Nicaragua - back to where it all started
After Granada, I went up to another beautiful (more for its charm than for its colorful buildings) colonial town of Leon where I stayed in a hostel with an interesting mix of ´backpackers´. First there was John, a cool, 72 year old retired engineer from California who was in Nicaragua for a month because his retirement check ¨goes a lot further here¨. There was a couple in their 50's from Nevada, a 60 something German guy named Hans, a 34 year old mother who also happened to be fitness competitor (5th in the world last year) and a 40 year old American cycling from the states down to South America. What made him most interesting was that, among the limited number of things he could carry with him on his bike, he brought a clothes iron. ¨I like to be able to look nice when I get to a new town¨ he remarked when he saw the puzzled look on my face. The 19 year old German kid spending time between high school and college must have wondered if he had taken a wrong turn off the backpacker trail somewhere in middle Nicaragua to end up with this crew. A visit to the Tisey nature reserve outside of Esteli in the north of the country provided an opportunity to meet with Don Alberto, a photogenic old guy that took up carving figures into the local mountainside as a way to give up drinking.
Like many places I´ve been through over the past 9 months, Nicaragua was going through some interesting political times and, in fact, was the fourth country I´ve been in that was holding elections while I was there. By now I've gotten use to several things here in South and Central America...corruption is prevalent, people are passionate and informed about politics and the fact that drinking of any alcohol is against the law in the days leading up to the elections.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Costa Rica - more familiar faces

Near the end of the week, we headed out into the Monteverde and Volcano Arenal areas for some hiking, swimming and hours of ´bet you can´t hit that thing with a rock´. We even found a 10k race in San Jose which was a very cool way to spend our last day together before parting ways.
I absolutely love traveling solo, but it´s been really cool to have had visits from such good friends along the way. Now that the visits are over, I can't wait to get home and see everyone else.

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Bocas del Toro, Panama - a unique place to run

The responses are always interesting whenever I ask a local for advice on where to go running. From the most common reply, a puzzled ¨You mean you want to run, just to run?¨ to the odd, yet intriguing one ¨There´s a group of old folks that jogs in that (1/4 mile around) park every morning at 4 AM¨, I never know what to expect. This latest suggestion, in Bocas Del Toro, seemed way too good to pass up. So, at 5:05 PM after Air Panama flight #1726 took off for Panama City, I headed out to the tarmac and joined several locals running down the incredibly flat, incredibly straight stretch of asphalt while a couple different groups played some pick-up fĂștbol. I´m not sure when I´ll ever get a chance to do that again or if I´d ever care to run on a (long, flat, straight) runway again, but it was a pretty cool ¨couldn´t do that in the states¨ experience.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Sailing to the San Blas Islands (Panama) and that canal thingy

After making it up from the bottom of South America completely by bus (with the exception of the Galapagos detour), a boat was required to continue on into Central America. I guess required is a bit of a stretch, as there is actually land connecting the two Americas, but it´s a commonly known fact down here that if you try crossing by land, you´ll die. That being said, hopping on a boat headed for a place that many veteran sailors call their favorite place on earth, is not all that bad. After some searching, we decided on the larger 40 meter long

Great food which included lots of tropical fruit and fresh fish and lobster helped keep us energized for the sunny days filled with lots of swinging, snorkeling and exploring, while cold cerveza and a little music was all we needed to enjoy the slightly cooler evenings.

Eventually we had to say goodbye to our new friends and the comfortable sway of the boat to make our way to Panama City, but not before staying a night with the friendly Kuna tribe in their island village. Showers here consisted of buckets of water and the toilets consisted of a seat over a hole which dropped directly into the ocean (for the record, we didn´t swim here). Finally, it was back to non-paradise as we stopped in Panama City to check out the pretty cool canal and to get Liza on a flight back to reality.

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