Two things have immediately struck me here at the bottom of the world. One, they eat dinner really late here. Like 10 or 11pm, late. The second, which seems to fit nicely with the first one, is that it stays light here during the summer (now, in the Southern Hemisphere) very late. Also 10 or 11pm. This is good because after eating at 11pm when I arrived my first night in
Ushuaia and hanging out talking with people at my hostel, I went to bed late and slept in (way in) the next morning, er, afternoon. Anyway, despite waking up well into the afternoon hours, there was still time to gather up some supplies and head out on a 6 hour hike into
Tierra del Fuego National Park where I'd spend my second night here in
Ushuaia. I met a guy at the hostel from Oregon who was heading out trekking for a couple days and decided to join him. Why wait? All I kept thinking during that first day's hike is WOW! The hike took us through some of the most stunning scenery I have ever seen. All of this on my first real day of my trip. How could it get any better?
In between hiking every day, and camping several nights, over the next 5 days I booked a last minute deal on a trip to Antarctica that I had been looking at just before leaving CT. Even better news was that an old friend from CO decided to come down and join me for this 10 day cruise to the frozen continent. I cant wait!!!!

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