After some time exploring the (cold) city, we headed off towards the sleepy town of Copacabana on the shores of Lake Titicaca where we would catch a boat to the Isla del Sol. People from all over Bolivia and Peru come to Copacabana to have their cars, buses, bikes and whatever else blessed by the local priest. We randomly ran into some (gringo) folks we knew who were here to join in and get their VW van anointed. When in Rome, I guess.

The sunsets and the tranquility of this place were a welcome respite from the craziness of La Paz, but paled in comparison the the paradisaical feel of the Isla. After a day hiking from the North to the South, we arrived in time to have one of the best tasting beers I`ve ever had. The sunset and sunrise here were enough to make me never want to leave. Ahhhhhhhhhh.

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